
Search Directory To Find Name, Addresses & Phone Numbers


Last Updated on April 5, 2022

You can find out who a phone number belongs to with a phone number lookup here on the free people search website. This site will enable you to do a reverse phone lookup Iowa so that you acquire more information about the telephone number that called you.

When you enter the phone number on the search bar and click search, the website will give out the name and address of the person who owns that particular phone number. See if the number that contacted you is in the list below.

Most Reported Reverse Phone Lookups in Iowa

There are numerous annoying or unwanted phone numbers from Iowa. Below is a list of heavily looked up numbers in recent times. Find the list of numbers for a specific area code from the list of standard phone numbers below. This information will help you discover the owner of the number that repeatedly called you.

Iowa’s Area Codes


319– This area code is located in the eastern part of Iowa and it covers Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, Iowa City, and Cedar Falls. Get more information about area code 319 and it mostly reported numbers.

515– This area code is located in the central part of Iowa. It serves Des Moines, Ames, West Des Moines, Urbandale and Fort Dodge. View more details on area code 515 and its numbers that are repeatedly reported.

563– Located in the north eastern part of Iowa, this area code covers Davenport, Dubuque, Bettendorf, Clinton, Muscatine. Learn more about area code 563 and its frequently looked up numbers.

641– Situated in the southern part of Iowa, this area code covers Mason City, Marshalltown, Ottumwa, Tama. Read more about area code 641 and its rapidly reported numbers.

712– This area code is located in the western part of Iowa. It covers Sioux City, Council Bluffs. See more details on area code 712 and its numbers.

Reverse lookup cities in Iowa

  1. Phone Number Lookup Des Moines Iowa, IA

Frequently asked questions

1.    Is there a truly free reverse phone lookup in Iowa?

A majority of search people for free sites provides only a free search not the result. This means when you enter the phone number on the search tool you will be sent to another page where you will be required to pay in order for you to get the result of your search. However

A share of the result may be revealed to you free of charge on other websites and you will have to pay charges for the full report. However, no fees will be expected from you here at We offer a completely free service.

2.    How reverse phone number lookup works?

The methods to search for phone numbers may not be the same for most websites but there is a common principle across that call for you to have the phone number to which you want to find the owner. In the absence of the phone number you will be required to explore other endorsed ways on the site to find it.

Simply enter the number on the search box once you get it. The website will offer to you the name and physical address of the telephone number’s owner. Some websites would even offer more than the name and address.

3.    What is the best reverse phone number lookup for Iowa?

There are lot of excellent websites to give you information about Iowa reverse phone number lookup. Here we cannot promise to offer the best information but why not try out our search tool and see if we have any information on the number you are looking up.

You should be sure to try out,,, beenverified, to name a few. Other sites are completely free while some are not.

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