North Carolina

Search Directory To Find Name, Addresses & Phone Numbers

North Carolina

Last Updated on April 6, 2022

Phone number lookup can help you find out who a phone number belongs on the Find someone free of charge website. You can perform a reverse phone number lookup north Carolina on this site and find more details on the number that frequently called.

The phone number of the person can help you find the name and physical address of the owner free of charge. You just need to type it in the search bar and hit search. View the list of most common numbers and see if you will find the number that called you on it.

Most Reported Reverse Phone Lookups in North Carolina

There are numeral spam or uninvited phone numbers from North Carolina. Below is a list of phone numbers that has been frequently reported lately. Visit each area code on this page to find the list of more numbers within each area code. This information can help you find more information on the number that called you.

North Carolina’s Area Codes

North Carolina-area-codes

252– This area code is located in the eastern part of North Carolina. It covers North Coastal Plain portion in the northeast corner of the state. Discover more on area code 252 and the numbers that are constantly reported.

336– This area code is located in the north western part of North Carolina and it serves Piedmont Triad and the northwest Piedmont portion of the State. Check out area code 336 and its common numbers.

704– This area code is located in the Western part of North Carolina and it serves Charlotte metropolitan area. Checkout more information about area code 704 and its constantly looked up numbers.

828– Located in the western part of North Carolina, this area code covers Western & Mountainous portion of the state. See more details about area code 828 and its heavily reported numbers.

910– This area code is located in the Southern part of North Carolina and it serves the South Coastal Plain portion in the southeast angle of the state, counting Wilmington. Learn more about area code 910 and its popular numbers.

919– Located in the northern central part of North Carolina, this area code covers The Research Triangle metropolitan region. See more information about area code 919 and its mostly reported numbers.

980– This area code is located in the western part of North Carolina and it serves Charlotte metropolitan area. Find out more details about area code 980 and its repeatedly reported numbers.

Reverse lookup cities in North Carolina

  1. Reverse Phone Lookup Charlotte Nc
  2. Reverse Phone Lookup Raleigh Nc
  3. Durham Phone Number Lookup
  4. Phone Number Lookup Winston Salem Nc

Frequently asked questions

1.    Is there a truly free reverse phone lookup in North Carolina?

Only a search is free of charge in most free people search pages not the search result on some websites. Therefore when you enter the phone number you are trying to lookup on their search tool you will be directed to another page where you will have to pay to access the search result.

More so, some websites will reveal a little piece of information of the search result free of charge and require charges for full report. On this site, we offer a totally free reverse phone lookup NC.

2.    How reverse phone number lookup works?

The ways to search for phone numbers may differ for most websites but there is one common principle which call for having the phone number you want to lookup. Thus, if it happens that you lost or have forgotten the phone number you will have to use other possible ways on the websites to acquire it.

You will be able to get the name and residential address from the website When you enter information of the number in the search box. There are other website that will offer you more details.

3.    What is the best reverse phone number lookup for North Carolina?

There are plentiful exceptional reverse phone sites that can give out the best of information about North Carolina lookups. Try out our search tool and see if we have any details on the telephone number you want to lookup even though we cannot promise you the most extensive data.,,, beenverified, are some of the top websites you should be sure to try out even though some of them will charge you.

For more websites to use, see video below



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