
Search Directory To Find Name, Addresses & Phone Numbers


Last Updated on April 6, 2022

Here on the find people for free directory you can find out who a phone number belongs to using a reverse phone lookup. You can perform a free reverse phone number lookup Ohio and uncover more details on the phone number that called you.

You will be able to get the name and physical address of the person at no costs when you type in the phone number in the search bar. Try and find the number that called you from the list of most common phone numbers below.

Most Reported Reverse Phone Lookups in Ohio

Ohio has numeral spam or unwanted phone numbers. Below is a list of numbers that has been heavily reported lately in Ohio. See if the one that called you is listed and use that information to collect more facts about the number that keeps on calling you or who owns it.

Ohio’s Area Codes


216– This area code is located in the northern portion of Ohio. It covers Cleveland. Discover more on area code 216 and the numbers that are constantly reported.

234– This area code is located in the north eastern region of Ohio and it serves Akron, Canton, Youngstown and Warren. It is also an overlay for area code 330. Check out area code 234 and its common numbers.

330– This area code is located in the north eastern region of Ohio and it serves Akron, Canton, Youngstown and Warren. It is also an overlay for area code 234. Checkout more information about area code 330 and its constantly looked up numbers.

419– Located in the north-western part of Ohio, this area code covers Northwest and North central Ohio plus Toledo, Sandusky and Ashland. It is also an overlay for area code 567. See more details about area code 419 and its heavily reported numbers.

440– This area code is located in the northern part of Ohio and it serves a portion of north east Ohio plus parts of Cleveland. Learn more about area code 440 and its constantly looked up numbers.

513– Located in the south western part of Ohio, this area code covers southwest Ohio counting Cincinnati. See more information about area code 513 and its heavily reported numbers.

567– This area code is located in the western part of Ohio and it serves northwest and north central Ohio counting Toledo, Sandusky and Ashland. It is also an overlay for area code 419. Find out more details about area code 567 and its repeatedly reported numbers.

614– Located in the central part of Ohio, this area code covers Columbus. It is also an overlay for area code 380. Read more about area code 614 and its reported numbers.

740– This area code is located in the southern part of Ohio and it serves the central and south-eastern Ohio excluding Columbus. It is overlays with area code 220. View area code 740 and its frequently looked up numbers.

937– Located in the south western part of Ohio, this area code covers southwestern portion of Ohio plus Dayton and Springfield, public parts of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and east of the Cincinnati Metropolitan area. See more information about area code 937 and its heavily reported numbers.

Reverse lookup cities in Ohio

  1. Free Reverse Phone Lookup Cincinnati, Ohio Oh
  2. Columbus Ohio Reverse Phone Lookup, Oh, Ohio
  3. Reverse Phone Lookup Cleveland Ohio
  4. Phone Number Lookup Newark Ohio, OH
  5. Phone Number Lookup for Toledo Ohio, OH
  6. Phone Number Lookup Akron Ohio, OH

Frequently asked questions

1.    Is there a truly free reverse phone lookup in Ohio?

Here on the totallyfreepeoplesearch.org we offer a totally free reverse phone lookup Ohio. Some websites will offer the search for free and expect charges for the search result. Therefore you will be redirected to another page where you will need to pay when you enter the details of the phone number in their search box.

However other sites will provide part of the search result without any charges and will require you to pay so that you gain access to the full search result.

2.    How reverse phone number lookup works?

Websites complies to one general principle when searching for a phone number, which is, You should have the contact number you want to search for. But if happens that you have somehow lost or forgotten it you will have to try and find it by means of other recommended ways on the website.

When you type in the number in the search bar and hit search, the website will reveal the name and residential address of the person you want to find. Other website will offer more information to the name and Physical address.

3.    What is the best reverse phone number lookup for Ohio?

There are copious best reverse phone number websites to provide you with the most comprehensive details about reverse phone lookup Ohio free. Here we can’t promise you the most extensive information but you can try out our website and see if we have any piece of information about the number you are trying to lookup.

Be sure to also go through whitepages.com, numbersguru.com, usphonebook.com, beenverified, spokeo.com, amongst others. Some websites will offer a reverse phone search at a cost yet others are entirely free.

For more top websites to use check out the video below




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