Johnstown, PA, White Pages

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Johnstown, PA, White Pages

Last Updated on September 15, 2021

For people searches in Johnson, look n further than free white pages Johnstown PA. Search Other White Pages Pennsylvania cities and Look up all Free White Pages Johnstown.

Johnstown is a city found in Cambria County, Pennsylvania, East of Pittsburgh. The Conemaugh River starts from Johnstown. Suburbs found in the city include the West Hills and East Hills. It has a total area of 6,09 square miles and land area is 5,89 square miles. Population density of Johnstown is 3,256.70 per square mile.

Most Common Last Names in Johnstown, PA

The list of last names below will help you search for the person you are looking for in Free White Pages Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What can I find on White Pages?

You can find details like names, phone numbers and residential addresses on white pages. It is possible to access public records as well as people search tips from this site too.

How can I use White Pages Johnstown PA?

With a name, phone number or a physical address, you can make use of free white pages Johnstown PA. Any of the three listed search options above can assist you in finding the other two. Just fill in the search field provided on the site and results will be returned to you in no time.

What is Totally Free White Pages Johnstown PA?

It is a search engine for people search and information on people search tips to use on and off the internet. You can find someone using the site and also equip yourself with people search knowledge.

Additional Information about Johnstown, PA

Johnstown Demographic Data

Population: 19,967

Households: 9,582                

Household size: 2,06

Household Income: $28,055

Median Age: 42,9

Race:  75,6% white, 13,3 % black, 0,2% Asian,  0,1% Native American,  3,7% Hispanic.


Cities near Johnstown

Armagh,Beaverdale,Belsano,Bolivar,Boswell,Davidsville,Dilltown,Dunlo,Elton,Hollsopple,Hooversville,Jenners,Jennerstown,Jerome,Mineral Point,Nanty Glo,New Florence,Parkhill,Portage,Revloc,Robinson,Saint Michael,Salix,Seanor,Seward,Sidman,South Fork,Strongstown,Summerhill,Tire Hill,Twin Rocks,Vintondale,Wilmore,Windber.

Johnstown Zip Codes

