Last Updated on March 23, 2023
Do you want to know how to find out someone’s birthday and do a DOB Search? Then you have come to the right place. We offer the most useful birthday search information online today.
Click Here For a Comprehensive Birthday Search Resource available online in 2023
There are several reasons why you may need this for; you may have recently met the person and you want to surprise them with a birthday gift, surprise party, simply wish them a happy birthday or it’s a friend or relative whose birthday you have forgotten or have never known but it’s too late to ask them now.
Well, there are several ways to find someone’s birthday. In this guide I will share the most effective methods only.
Get Personal Information First
It is important that you have at least some piece of information about the person beforehand – to make your search easier. So you should know one or more of these; the name, surname, phone number, physical address or any other personal information. This is information you can use on any free people finder site to search.
Having this information will enable you to do a reverse people search, which is a fancy way of saying find the person’s birthday by name, phone number or by any other piece of information you have.
The more information you have the better. Check out this comprehensive guide on how to find someone free of charge. You will discover how to find more information about the person, which may help you find out their birthday information.
Use Social Media To Find Someone’s Birthday
According to, more than 2,8 billion people use Social media to date and it is estimated to go up to more than 3 billion beyond 2021. Pewresearch says teens share the most personal information than anyone.
For example, according to official research, 82% of them post their birthdate on social media. This means you stand a better chance of finding someone’s birthday via social nmedia if they are younger.
Some of the best recommended social media sites include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Whatsapp to name a few. We will review these below.
Note that some people do use privacy settings to hide this information so this might not necessarily work for you. What I have noticed is that people tend to take this seriously on Facebook and maybe Instagram and Twitter because these are popular sites but they tend to forget to make their birth records private on sites like Linkedin.
1.1. Find Out Someone’s Birthday on Facebook
There are 3 ways to do a free birthday search on Facebook; g
About page
Facebook Wall
Facebook Events
Facebook app, like all social media tends to be updated very often, which makes it harder to provide 100% accurate details of where to click and what but if you follow these basic principles, you should be okay. Make sure you are already a FB friend to this person before you try out the free birthday search below.
We have a detailed guide here: How To Find Birthdays On Facebook
1.2. Find birthday on Instagram
To find find out someone’s birthday on Instagram requires that you ‘follow’ the person first. This step is absolutely necessary if they have locked their account to non-followers, which would mean you won’t be able to see an information about them.
So once you’ve followed the person on the social media platform successfully, then visit their profile page and scan through their pictures. It might take you a while but most people will post their birthday pictures and celebration on Instagram.
You can also click on the person’s tagged photos to see check if no friend wished them a “happy birthday” at anytime within the past 12 months. Another option is to identify a close friend of theirs and check out that friend’s pictures as well – typically friends also posts birthday messages and pictures of each other.
Learn More about this social media option here: Find out Someone’s Birthday on Instagram
1.3. Find Birthday on Linkedin
Linkedin is another popular social network and you can use it to find answers to your query.
The one good thing about it is that most people don’t care much to hide information in this site mainly because they feel the more possible business partners or employers know about them, the better.
So first you need to make sure that you are connected to the person whose birthday you are trying to find. Then simply login and head on to contacts to see if the person has listed their contacts there.
If you can’t see their birth date because they have possibly hidden it, then your best chance is to check if they have any certificates uploaded, some of these educational documents have a birth date listed.
Here is a more elaborate guide on this: Find Someone’s Birthday On LinkedIn
1.4. Find Birthday On Twitter
Any person registering on Twitter has to provide their birthday detail. You can look at the upper left hand side of their profile page to see if it is appearing there.
It should if the person entered his or her birth date record during registration. As well you when it is actually their birthday, you will notice it with a balloon overlay applied to posts they make for that day only.
You can see more on how to find someone’s birthday on Twitter
1.5. Find Birthday Snapchat
To find out someone’s birthday on Snapchat is possible but requires a bit of leg work from your side. Like on Whatsapp, you need to track the person daily.
Keep checking by typing their name on the friend’s list and see what shows up. It should be a cake emoji if it’s actually their birthday on the day of searching.
You can also check their profile to see if their zodiac sign is listed. Just look for a small purple box emoji.
A general tip on how to find someone’s birthdate using social networks is to look at the person’s social media profile link. Most people have their DOB highlighted in their email address and social networks typically use that information to create persona user profiles.
As well most social networking sites will send you a notification on your connections’ birth date so if all fails then you can use that as a way to find out when somebody was born.
Read more here: Find Someone’s Birthday on Snapchat
1.6. How to find someone’s birthday on Whatsapp
Let me be honest here, there is currently no real way to find out someone’s birthday on Whatsapp. This is because when signing up you simply provide your number and nothing more.
So essentially Whatsapp doesn’t know anything more about you other than your number. Unless you have access to local SIM Card registry then you cannot find out.
The one non sure fire way is to track their Whatsapp status to see if they post hints about their upcoming birthday or if they post something on the actual day. You can learn more on How To Find Someone’s Birthday on Whatsapp
Below is a list of the social network sites you can use for your search. Click each link to see the guide on how to find a birthdate on that particular website.
Use Public Birth Records
Another option is to find someone’s birthday on public records, which are also known as vital records typically offer free public birth records access to anyone anywhere via the internet.
Government agencies provide free online record searching and access to public record information. The data that you can access comes directly from the Public Record Research System (PRRS) or learn more from the Public Record Retriever Network.
There are thousands of U.S. government agencies that avail public records, some free of charge and some at a fee.
These include state, county, and city sites, state occupational licensing boards, U.S. Territories, federal courts’ opinions and decisions, searchable federal sanctions sites and significant Agencies, state appellate & Supreme Court opinions & decisions, military sites, unclaimed funds, foreign sites etc.
Note that in most cases not everyone is allowed to access birth certificates or birth records of a person via these government agents. Those not authorised, which in this case chances you are not, you can request for an informational certified copy of the birth certificate.
See this example of information on obtaining a copy of a birth records. Of course you might have to look for the person’s county website to see if the same rules apply – but typically they do.
NOTE: A tip when searching on free public records is to also try to search birth records by parent name.
Use Birthday Finders for Your Birthday Lookup
To sift through hundreds of these records yourself would take forever. The best way to find out someone’s birthday here is to simply use a Birthday finder, which us typically a search engine or website that has access to all these public birth records from across the country.
All you do is enter the name and some detail of the person you are looking up and they will retrieve the details for you instantly. Some birth of date finders offer this free and some charge something like a monthly subscription. is one other site you can use. You can visit their website and fill in a form to produce the results you are looking for. They source information from public records and store it in their database for easy access by their customers. These are usually not free e.g. DOBSearch will charge you about $6 one time fee.
Another one is It claims to have over 120 million of birth records in their birthday database.
What’s annoying about trying to find a freepeoplesearch birthday finder is that most will have in their domains info that gives you confidence that they are a birthdate database only to send you typical people search sites like US search or Intelius.
3.1. List of Birthday Lookup Sites
Note that some of the search engine results queries are paid and some are free. They typically pull information from public birthday records.
I hope by now you have gotten some very useful information on how to find out someone’s birthday online. Just note that when using these birthday finder sites for a birthday search, you can use different pieces of information at your disposal to do the free DOB search.
Typically they will ask you to enter the name of the person, surname, city and state before you can search.
However some sites enable you to find birthday information by name and address, find birthday information by social security number free (SSN), daet of birth by phone number or from mobile number, date of birth by email address or even find by age.
Find Their Birthday on Google
Have you tried the simplest trick in the book? you can simply by going to Google and type out the person’s name, surname and city – there is a chance Google will save you all the trouble and just provide you with the birthday information you are looking for. Learn more about how to find someone’s birthday on Google
Trick The Person To Showing Their ID or License
This might seem like a far fetched idea but you would be surpised how well it actually works. All you have to do is provide some context to the “tickery”. For example, tell a story of how much you hate your ID picture. Pull it out and start talking about how the picture looks. Chances are they will pull out their to compare and share in the conversation. See how to find someone’s birthday using their driver’s license
Go Somewhere Where An ID Will Be Required
This one might not be as easy but its worth a try. Find a place where you are most likely to get carded and take a peek as he or she pulls out the ID. Is there an exclusive club you can attend, a library where they require an ID for entry? I am sure you can think of more ideas relevant to your person of interest.
Find Their Wall Calendar
Whilst most people have resorted to use mobile phone calendars, there are a few that still have one hanging on their walls. These people typically circle important dates and may even mark them with the event name for quick reminders. Believe it or not, some people mark their birthdays on these calendars. Alternatively lookup their Google calendar if you can.
Ask Their Friends or Close Relatives
One of the most effective ways to do this is simply ask friends and people who are closest to the person whose birthday you are trying to find. Of course you might need to “bribe” or “threaten” them to keep the quiet about it lest they spoil your surprise.
Run A Background Check
Why not try doing a background check on the person. There are a number of sites that produce this kind of report. While you will find out more info than you bargained for, simply focus on the date of birth you are interested in. We have an very extensive article on how to do a background check.
Find Their Vital Documents & Accounts
People often keep vital documents in their offices or home. If you have access to either place, then you stand a better chance to find out their birthday if you are brave enough to sneek around in search of the docs. These could be a birth certificate, an ID or a copy of a Driver’s license. You can even try to find the birthday on outlook email or on see this guide on how to find birthdays on Microsoft account.
Hopfully these ideas will help you find out someone’s birthday. You can now go ahead and plan that surprise party for your loved one, invite family members and have fun. Here are other related articles that can help you refine your research further:
Click Here For a Comprehensive Birthday Search Resource available online in 2023
Watch this video for more information
See More Helpful Resources on Birthday Search
P.S. Would you like to get contact details about the person? try free white pages