How to Find Previous Addresses

Last Updated on September 1, 2021

Are you trying to find your old addresses or looking for a friend’s old address ? You can learn how to find previous addresses from this guide, which is part of a series called; how to find someone’s address. Addresses can be looked up from a number of places (that I will talk about below). You can use a name and street name to do a previous address search.

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Find Old Addresses Online

As I stated above, there are a number of options to use when trying to find addresses. Almost all these search options are the same, meaning that you just enter the piece of information in the search bar and the search will return all the data that it found in its archive or database on that person.

Most of these totally free people search sites get their data from public records , which mean that you can also search these records to find the information. See free previous records.

Looking for Your Addresses

If you are trying to find your previous addresses then you can start by looking at your  ownrecords, such as tax records and credit cards records. These records usually have your addresses. If that does not help then you can go to the credit stores where your bills are sent from.

They have a better chance of having your records or information on your addresses because even after you change locations a number of times, they are still able to send you bills. You are also entitled to get one credit report  every year. You can ask for this report and go through it to see your previous addresses.

How to Find Previous Addresses of Other People

The next question is how to find previous addresses that belong to a friend or  family member . If you have the person’s name then you can look for the addresses using it. Sites like 123people  permit name searches (search by name). You enter the first and last name together with the countryand state/city.

The results obtained are put in groups/categories. These are picture, email addresses, phone numbers, business professionals, premium public records, blogs, web links, videos, news, biographies, related products, related people, IM/microblogs, blogs, criminal records check, related domains, social networks profiles, tags and documents.

This is another site where you are redirected to get results, it is however, also free. If you click on any of these links (name) then you will see more data related to the person.

You can take the address that has been highlighted and use it to search. You can go ahead and use this site for your search. You just have to enter the address in the city column. Address Search

Another place that usually gives out previous addresses (city names that you can use to find actual addresses) is . Results you get from this site are like the ones below .

Besides the cities or places where the person has lived in they also give out people that the person you are looking for may be related to and the person’s age. You can use this place if you want to know how to find previous addresses but the only problem is that this place charges to give extra data.

Additional Data

One thing I can state is that the email and phone searches can be done exactly like the name search. The only difference is that the information entered differs and the information needed for these searches is not the same. When using a phone number then you have to enter the number and search. With the address, you just enter the email then search. The results you get are usually a full name, phone number, address and age if it is available.



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