Plattsburg, NY White Pages

Search Directory To Find Name, Addresses & Phone Numbers

Plattsburg, NY White Pages

Last Updated on September 15, 2021

Located in the County of Clinton, New York, Plattsburg lies northeast of Adirondack Park, and is the second largest community in the North Country Region. The city has a total of 6,59 square miles and 5,04 square miles is land then 1,56 square of water. Population density stands at 3,872.79 per square mile.

Most Common Last Names in Plattsburg, NY

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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

  1. What can I find on White Pages?

 White pages are the aggregators of contact information that includes names, phone numbers and addresses. There are sections here that will let you perform a public records search and there is also information offered on people searches from here.

  1. How can I use White Pages Plattsburg NY?

 Free white pages Plattsburg can be used for name, phone number or address searches. You can use one of the lookup details to find the remaining two. Just entre you search term on the search box offered and results will be given there and then.

  1. What is Totally Free White Pages Plattsburg?

This is a search engine that will permit you to search for people and also offer you people search information that can help on a people search both online and offline. The website will let you search and also let you better equip yourself with people search information.


Additional Information about Plattsburg, NY

Plattsburg Demographic Data

Population: 19,734

Households: 7,787

Household size: 2,12

Household Income: $40,254

Median Age: 29,6

Race:  85,4% white,  4,1% black,  3,1% Asian,  0,2% Native American,  3,9% Hispanic.


Cities near Plattsburg

Altona,Cadyville,Chazy,Dannemora,Grand Isle,Isle La Motte,Keeseville,Morrisonville,North Hero,Peru,Port Kent,South Hero,West Chazy

Plattsburg Zip Codes

12901, 12903
