
Search Directory To Find Name, Addresses & Phone Numbers


Last Updated on April 6, 2022

Determining who a phone number belongs to is possible with a reverse phone number search here on the directory. You can find more information about the people who called you using a reverse phone lookup Nevada.

You need to enter the phone number in the search bar and press search then the name and residential address of the person you want to find will be revealed to you totally free. Find the number that called you from the list of most popular numbers in Nevada below.

Most Reported Reverse Phone Lookups in Nevada

Nevada has a hundreds of spam or unwelcome phone numbers. The following are phone numbers that has been reported lately. Find the list of more numbers within a certain area code. Use this information to find out who belongs to the strange number that called you.

Nevada’s Area Codes


702– Located in the southern part of Nevada, this area code covers the south eastern region of Nevada plus Las Vegas metropolitan area. Read more about area code 702 and its heavily reported numbers.

775– Located in the central part of Nevada, this area code covers the whole of Nevada outside the south-eastern tip plus Reno and Carson City. Checkout more details about area code 775 and its mainly reported numbers.

Reverse lookup cities in Nevada

  1. Reno Reverse Phone Lookup, Nevada Nv
  2. Las Vegas Reverse Phone Lookup, Nevada Nv

Frequently asked questions

1.    Is there a truly free reverse phone lookup in Nevada?

Some people search websites provides only a free search but the result comes with a charge, thus when you are entering the details of the person you are looking for on their search tool you will land on a page where you will need to pay for you to access the search result.

For some websites only a part of the search result will be shown to you and you will have to pay a certain fee for you to access the a report. Well, here on the free people search we offer an absolutely free search.

2.    How reverse phone number lookup works?

Inasmuch as websites differs on the ways to search for phone numbers, there is a common rule throughout websites that requires that you know the phone number that contacted you. But if it happens that you have forgotten the number you will have to try and find it using other suggested means on the website.

Just enter the number in the search box once you get it. You will be offered the name and residential address of the person you are looking for in the site even though some websites will offer you more information.

3.    What is the best reverse phone number lookup for Nevada?

There are plentiful reverse phone sites to offer you the most comprehensive data about Nevada lookups even though we can’t guarantee you the best of information. Try out our search tool and see if you will find any data on the number you are trying to find.

Try also,,, beenverified,, to name a few. Some sites will provides this service at a charge while others are completely free.

Also watch the video below for more helpful clues



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