Kendallville, IN, White Pages

Search Directory To Find Name, Addresses & Phone Numbers

Kendallville, IN, White Pages

Last Updated on April 12, 2022

Kendallville is a city in Wayne Township, Noble County in the U.S state of India.  Its total population density is 1,632.40 per square mile. So the Free White pages Kendallville IN can make it easier for you to search for someone in Kendallville. Its total area is 6.29 square miles.

This link white pages Indiana address can be one of the ways to access free white pages that might be available. Take few minutes and search through this free white pages residential phone book.

Most Common last names in Kendallville IN

Use the list below and choose the last name of the person you are looking for in Free white pages Kendallville, India.



If you can’t find the last name in the list, please see the recommended links below.

Frequently asked questions and answers?

What can I find on white pages?

White pages give you access to phone numbers and addresses of people you may need to be looking for.

How can I use white pages Kendallville IN?

Make sure to enter the search details in the form given by the site. Free white pages Kendallville IN will make the process easy when you dealing with phone numbers and addresses.  Results are out immediately.

What is totally free white pages Kendallville IN?

This is a totally not charged site that enhances the search for different people you may need to be looking for.

Additional Information about Kendallville, IN

Kendallville Demographic Data

Population: 9,592

Households: 4,153

Household size: 2.27

Household Income: 46755

Median Age: 38.1

Race: White 92.5%, Black 1.0%, Asian 1.1%, Native American 0.1%, Hispanic Ethnicity 4.0%


Cities near Kendallville

Albion, Ashley, Auburn, Avilla, Churubusco, Corunna, Garrett, Hudson, Huntertown, Lagrange, Laotto, Rome City, South Milford, Stroh, Waterloo, Wawaka, Wolcottville, Wolflake

Kendallville Zip code

