Martinsville, IN, White pages

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Martinsville, IN, White pages

Last Updated on March 25, 2022

If you are searching for someone in Martinsville IN Free White pages Martinsville IN can make that task much easier for you which is part of the white pages Indiana. Martinsville is a city in Washington Township, Morgan County in the U.S state of India.  Its climate is characterized by hot, humid summers and generally cool to cold winters.

Its total area is 9.31 square miles. Its total population density is 1,269.61 per square mile. The Metropolitan school district of Martinsville administers the public schools of this town. Take few minutes and review free white pages lookup for the city below.

Most Common Last names in Martinsville IN

Use the list below and choose the last name of the person you are looking for in free white pages Martinsville, India.

 If you can’t find the last name in the list, please see the recommended links below.

Frequently asked questions and answers

 What can I find in white pages?

These pages offer public records, phone numbers, and addresses for anyone you might be looking for.

How can I use white pages Martinsville IN?

From the site, you will be provided with a form where you will fill in the search details for the one you are looking for and results are returned immediately. Free white pages Martinsville IN is very useful when you are handling phone numbers and addresses.

What is totally free white pages Martinsville IN?

This is a convenient cost-less platform giving people search information for everyone you

may search for.

Additional information about Martinsville IN

 Martinsville Demographic Data

Population: 11,647

Households: 4,396

Household size: 2.50

Household Income: $45,841

Median Age: 38.5

Race: white 94.8%, black 1.5%, Asian 0.2%,  Native American 0.2%, Hispanic Ethnicity 1.4%


Cities near Martinsville

Bargersville ,Brooklyn ,Clayton ,Ellettsville ,Eminence ,Gosport ,Monrovia ,Mooresville ,Morgantown, Paragon ,Stilesville ,Stinesville ,Unionville ,

Martinsville zip code

