Owenton, KY, White Pages

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Owenton, KY, White Pages

Last Updated on June 14, 2022

Owenton is a home rule-class city in the County seat of Owen County, Kentucky, United States. Free white pages Owenton KY helps you search easily for anyone in Owenton. The only way to access all information is through white pages Kentucky. It has a total area of 1.93 square miles. Its total population density is 806.42 per square mile. Take a few minutes and view free reverse phone lookup white pages.

 Most Common Last Names in Owenton, KY

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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What can I find on White Pages?

White pages only consist of addresses, phone numbers, and people’s public records. This information helps in the process of people search and makes it easier

How can I use White Pages Owenton KY?

To use white pages Owenton KY you need to have the search information for the one you are searching for. This website returns results quickly. Make sure to use free white pages Owenton KY it will make your search simple.

What is Totally Free White Pages Owenton KY?

This is a site that enhances the search of people from different cities. It is totally free of any charges.

Additional Information about Owenton, KY

Owenton Demographic Data

Population: 1,622

Households: 700

Household size: 2.1

Household Income: $31,689

Median Age:  38

Race:  97.5% white, 0.9% black, 0.0% Asian,  0.6% Native American,  0.4% Hispanic.

Source: https://www.bestplaces.net/people/city/kentucky/owenton

Cities near Owenton

Bethlehem ,Corinth ,Glencoe ,Jonesville ,Lockport ,Mason ,New Liberty ,Perry Park ,Pleasureville ,Sanders ,Sparta ,Stamping Ground

Owenton Zip Codes


Source: https://zipcode.org/city/KY/OWENTON